Thursday 27 June 2013

The Birth of Clancy Johannes
 The SHORT version

April 22, 2013 my body spends the day clearing itself out, I don't think it's early labour though as hubby has a stomach bug.
9:30pm my water breaks and it's tinged with blood
10:30 pm arrive at hospital, hooked up to an IV and given antibiotics. I'm 2-3 cm dilated
April 23, 2013 5am I'm given a tiny bit of pitocin
6:30am (ish) I get in the shower = sweet relief
7:30am I'm 4cm dilated and moved to the tub for better baby monitoring
8:30am I'm 10cm dilated and involuntarily pushing, I must get out of the tub and I move to the bed to push on my hands and knees and then in a sort of squat
9:10am my baby boy, badly bruised from having slid back in several times during crowning, is laying on my chest covered in blood, lanugo, and vernix. He has two knots in his cord - something the midwives haven't seen before (and the head midwife has been at it for 25 years!) I try to put him straight to the breast but he has no interest.
9:30 (ish) the placenta is delivered, his cord is clamped and cut,
He weighs 6lbs 5ozs and is 20.5inches tall
He scores well on his APGARs
I dilated from 4cm to 10cm in one hour and then pushed for 40minutes. I had a second degree tear which ended up getting the stitches removed because of infection. So my labour is considered to have been 1 hour and then 40 minutes of pushing. time from my water breaking to baby born was just under 12hours.
We have a one day struggle with blood sugars, he is lethargic and has to be woken up for feeds which are expressed milk given to him by syringe as he struggles to latch, he's found to have a tongue tie, which is clipped revealing another tongue tie further back.
April 24 3pm we get to go home!
April 25th 10pm readmitted to a different hospital, his jaundice levels are dangerously high, they say he made need a blood transfusion, we are sooo relieved when the lights have brought his levels down enough that he doesn't need the transfusion but still he spends several days in and out of the bili bed with his levels fluctuating
April 29th we get to go home, with follow up blood work to be done in two days
May 1 9:30pm on our way back to the hospital as his biliruben levels are up dangerously high again, he spends the night under the lights again.
May2 We get to go home again! Yay, no more blood work as they have no idea why his levels went up and couldn't find any causes. They say it is probably breast milk jaundice.
May 8 two week check up THREE posterior tongue ties clipped, no more pumping, no more bottles, begins nursing with a nipple shield
May 22 Clancy is gaining well and still nursing with the shield, trying to get him off it but not having much success. Switch to cloth diapers.  He is still jaundice but the midwives are no longer concerned.
June 12 He weighs 10lbs .5oz and is 22inches tall. He still requires the nipple shield although we are having a little more success without it.
June 27 He weighs 11lbs and is still 22inches tall. He seems to want the breast without the shield but he still struggles with his latch, and so the journey continues.

My plan had been a home birth with no drugs and certainly no augmentation. I was going to exclusively breast feed and have nothing but breast milk enter his body before he was 6months old. I ended up being given pitocin to speed up my labour. Having to deliver at the hospital as I didn't have a home and he was premature. I did use what I believe to have been completely ineffective useless laughing gas as it was offered mid contraction when I was in transition. He was given formula against my will because his blood sugars dropped and they made me feel like I'd be killing him not to give the formula. What I don't understand is why they didn't just give me the pump earlier as they kept commenting that I had a great supply! So these are some things that I am still working on coming to terms with,

The LONG version
April 21, 2013
A friend at church asks me how I'm doing, I tell her I feel like I'm about to explode and don't know how baby could possibly have any more room to grow...

April 22, 2013
6am I wake up feeling kind of gassy but when I got to the washroom I discovered it wasn't just gas. I drive my hubby to work only to pick him up again half an hour later as he isn't feeling well and has been throwing up. The rest of the day I'm restless, have no appetite and lots of diarrhea plus some throwing up... I figure I just have whatever bug my hubby has but contact my midwives to let them know I wasn't feeling great. They respond telling me to rest and let them know if anything changes.
3pm (ish) Hubby and I drive to the post office to pick up a parcel my mom sent full of newborn baby clothes she's bought.  I open the box, look at the first few outfits before closing it again - I'm not ready to deal with baby things, the little one isn't due for another 4weeks and first babies always come late, right?
8pm I get a phone call from a RESP agent wanting to book an appointment to talk RESP for the new baby, I tell her baby isn't due until May 18, she says she'll call back at the end of May.
9:25 pm Hubby has slept all day and hardly eaten - he's still tired, I've been restless all day and not eaten at all -still restless but I go to bed. We snuggled in on our air mattress as we are staying with one of hubby's coworkers since we don't have a place of our own to live at and our stuff is all in storage.
9:30pm I feel a *pop* and gush like when you have your period, have been sitting/lying down and then stand up suddenly. "Oh sh*t" I say, "my water broke!" I quickly roll out of bed squatting of the container meant for the placenta (from my home birth kit) that was beside the bed in case I needed to throw up. A mix of blood and water is gushing out of me, hubby grabs me a postpartum pad I shove it between my legs and soak it in minutes. My mucous plug has come out in one big chunk. I'm panicking. My hospital bag is only partially packed (think underwear, pads and a peri bottle), I've bled on the carpet, no baby bag packed, I"m not ready to have this baby! I grab the brown paper from the previously mentioned package and get it under the placenta pan to prevent further bleeding on the carpet. All this time I"m trying to figure out what we need to take to the hospital and, between panicking, telling hubby what to pack. At some point hubby calls the midwives, I talk to them, we have to go to the hospital now... I already know that... they call back a few minutes later to tell me which Hospital we're to go to. We have a carseat but it isn't even out of the box yet. I still have diarrhea and I NEED TO USE THE TOILET! the washroom (and door out of the house) are up a full flight of stairs. I grab a full size old hospital bed sheet that I inexplicably have lying near by and shove it between my legs to make the trek up the carpeted stairs. I stay in the bathroom while hubby packs the car, brings me two fresh pads, lines the passenger seat with garbage bags and towels and grabs me a night gown and fresh underwear.
10pm We drive to the hospital and I start to calm down, I call my mom to tell her my water has broken and to pray as baby is premie. I then call my mother-in-law... she isn't home, it's Monday night she's at her craft group... I call her there and ask her to pray as well as her craft ladies as they all know us.
10:30pm We arrive at the hospital and hubby parks in the  "Lab services only " parking to run and grab me a wheel chair. He gets me inside and then goes and reparks the car. We arrive in the maternity ward and my paper work isn't done - I've procrastinated as my original plan was a home birth and I was having a mental block towards the potential of having to have a hospital birth. We fill it out and then they ask hubby to finish it while the midwives take me into a triage room to asses. They hook me up to a fetal monitor - baby's doing fine and I'm contracting regularly... wait! I'm contracting regularly? I haven't felt any contractions! I'm still gushing fluids, the midwife wants to check and make sure it is my water but when my underwear comes off and they try to get me on the bed pan thing I quickly soak the bed and continue gushing, the midwife doesn't bother checking, it's obviously my waters. She isn't as concerned now as what I thought was really bloody waters was apparently normal. As I'm only 36weeks and 2 days my GBS status is unknown, they do this test at 37 weeks, so I get an IV for antibiotics. The first attempt at placing the IV doesn't work, it just really hurts, they end up putting the IV in my hand... yuck! They stat the antibiotic drip, I've been repadded and disposable underwear'd, we walk to L&D. I'm the only labouring woman there. I don't know it yet but I'm also in the only room with a tub.We're going to try to rest, hubby curls up in a chair and promptly falls asleep, I'm still restless and starting to feel crampy, I"m also suddenly ravenously hungry and of course the cafeteria is closed! So the student midwife goes and makes me some peanut butter toast. I eat about half a piece and feel nauseous. The student midwife and I wander the halls while we try to get things to progress...I'm not 'in labour' yet as I'm only 2-3cm dilated. I still have diarrhea and on the toilet contractions intensify some but the toilet hurts. I try bouncing on the ball, this is uncomfortable and not helping. I try rocking on my hands and knees, this is also uncomfortable and not helping. The student midwife and I go to walk the stairs trying to bring on regular progressive contractions but instead my contractions stop. We return to the room and I go to use the toilet, nipple stimulation helps bring on a few contractions but I'm still not progressing it is now about 5am andI"m only 3-4cm dilated. My midwife is supposed to be off at 6:30, she's hoping baby will come before then. They decide to start pitocin since my water has broken as my water has been broken for a while now and with baby being early they say their on a shorter clock. I don't verbally agree to the pitocin but feel I have no choice since they say babies safety is on the line and I really do want me little one safe. The monitor is showing random decelerations in babies heart rate - they aren't real decels though baby is just moving away from the monitor so they are losing track of it. They give me only the tiniest bit of pitocin, my body responds quickly and powerfully. They put a heplock in and let me get in the shower... sweet relief! between contractions hubby holds the shower head pointed at my back during contractions I grab the shower hose and aim it at my lower belly, heedless of who gets sprayed in the process. While I'm in the shower some one calls my midwife to let her know his wife is in labour.

7am, April 23, 2013 I tell my midwife I need to get out of the shower and poop, she wants to check me as she thinks I want to push, I still feel like I have diarrhea and insist I use the toilet before she checks me. I'm right. I get back in the shower and she checks me, I'm only 4cm dilated - finally in labour- and they are having a hard time monitoring baby as I"m moving too much. They  decide to put me in the tub even though my water has already broken as it will be easier to monitor baby in their. This is what I wanted. My face has started going numb and parts of my legs and arms are tingly, they check my blood pressure- it appears to be fine. I get in the tub and almost immediately start feeling light headed. Soon after I feel like I need to poo again but logic has left my brain completely and I start straining in the tub - it should be noted I'm forbidden to deliver in the tub at risk of causing a total ban on hospital water birth for everyone. Somewhere in all this hubby has gone and had breakfast and so has the student midwife. The dad from earlier has called back, his wife's labour has intensified and while he is on the phone she gives birth. There was another midwife on route to assist my midwife with me but now she is re routed to check on this new baby. Mid contraction my midwife asks if I want to try the laughing gas as I'm saying all sorts of crazy things from the pain. I'm annoyed because I wanted a drug free labour but I accept since I feel like I'm dying. I'm feeling like I'm going to pass out so they get me out of the tub- it wasn't helping anyway- and check me again, I'm fully dilated and pushing - oops. The move the bed around so I can be best supported on my hands an knees.I push like this a few times and then I faint... so it seems except that I can still hear everything I just can't respond, I've just collapsed so they make me flip over to my back and they set up a bar across the bed. I'm to grab two bars on the side, but my feet on the other bar and bare down with each contraction, I do so halfheartedly. I'm exhausted and still in denial that the baby is coming all I can focus on is how much it hurts so baby crowns, and then slides back, crowns and then slides back... four times baby crowns before I'm able to remind myself that this is a baby and it needs to come out. I push hard and long, the head finally emerges another couple of pushes and they pull my badly bruised baby from my body and stick him on me. While pushing I've been screaming at the midwives to get her out of me so I have to double check when I see boy bits between my daughter's legs... surprise... well we hadn't found out the gender before hand. He is completely covered in a thick layer of vernix and lanugo and can only partially open one eye. He cries. I try to put him straight to the breast but he has no interest. His daddy names him Clancy Johannes. He has two knots in his cord that must have been there awhile as he has been head down in position since at least 18weeks. The cord is cut and clamped once it has stopped pulsing and I have delivered the placenta. I have a second degree tear and they are trying to freeze me so they can stitch it but I scream and jump every time the needle touches me, they finally get the freezing in but I still feel every stitch going in and it hurts. Eventually they take him to clean him up, weigh him and measure him. He is 6lbs 5ozs and 20.5 inches tall. We think he has strawberry blond hair. At some point the other midwife has shown up and tried to help me nurse him but he isn't interested. Ultimately I end up expressing colostrum and feeding it to him with a syringe and pinky finger. He's healthy but we have to stay at the hospital because he is premature and also because my gbs status was unknown.
We are moved to mother and babe and I finally get to eat! His blood sugars drop over night and against my will they give him formula to raise his blood sugars, we can't go home until he has three good blood sugar tests. He is found to have a tongue tie and so they clip it but then find there is another tie further back, they apparently can't clip this one. I'm not allowed to try nursing for more than a few minutes at a time as he is having trouble latching and doesn't have the fat reserves to give him the energy the effort takes, so I'm given a pump and  continue to syringe feed him
April 24, 2013 His blood sugar has stabilized but his biliruben is on the rise, they deiced to send me home and do a follow up blood test at my home the next day.
April 25th His biliruben is a scary 325 we have to be admitted to a different hospital immediately and they are prepping a blood transfusion for him. He is put in a bili bed and they try to put an IV in him, EIGHT TIMES they try and his veins pop every time they start putting fluids in. We hope the bili light bring his levels down fast enough that the transfusion won't be necessary. Thank God his levels come down enough but he is still under the light for several days.  An intern doctor tries to send us home when he has been out from under the lights for a few hours but my midwife isn't comfortable with it. It creates a conflict but we end up staying another night. In the morning his bili levels have risen again and he has to be put back under the lights for another couple of nights. We go home Monday follow up blood work to be down in two days, his levels are rising again.
May 1 His biliruben levels are at a scary 345 and back to the hospital we go. The Doctors can't figure out why his levels went back up but he is back under the lights again. His levels drop quickly under the lights and we get to go home May 2. He continues to be a yellow baby and his levels rise again a little bit but finally stabilize. He still isn't nursing.
May 8, 2013 two week check up. He has three posterior tongue ties which the midwife clips. Finally we get him to latch with a nipple shield (given to me during the second hospital biliruben saga) and I"m able to stop pumping and ditch the bottles hurray! At this point we have seen three lactation consultants none of which were actually able to help me.
June 27, 2013 Clancy is 11lbs even, he still has trouble latching without the nipple shield but we seem to be making progress ans he appears to be wanting the breast without it and only takes the shield after being on the breast and losing his latch. Once he has lost his initial latch he has a hard time latching again... oh well we just keep trying!

Summary - see "the SHORT version"

Monday 26 November 2012

15 weeks 2 days - where did that come from?!

So I had an ultrasound today to make sure that baby was okay as the Doctor still couldn't find a heart beat on the doppler. No good pictures of baby's profile but the little one sure was moving around and definitely alive! My big surprise/almost scare today was when I first saw my full self in the mirror and whamo there is this huge baby belly! Where did that come from? I kind of feel like there isn't enough room for me to put food in my stomach or even take a full breath, which could be slightly problematic as I still haven't actually gained any weight this pregnancy.

Friday 23 November 2012

Okay so one serious belly pic and one goofy just because! as you can see not much of a belly yet. I believe these were taken at 14wks give or take a day or two.

Thursday 22 November 2012

14 weeks 5 days

I had every intention of posting my latest belly picture for you but it seems it his wonderful effort to tidy our home my husband has placed our camera cord somewhere I can't find it.
I started feeling the baby moving a little bit last week. For the most part it is just a little flutter here and there but a couple times it has been a much stronger kick or shove. My morning sickness has changed but not really let up just yet. Now, at least sometimes, I am able to prevent my visits to the porcelain throne if I eat before I get overly hungry. This, of course, is easier said than done as I still have a fairly small repertoire of things I can eat without making the morning sickness worse and that can change suddenly as well. One days it seems that I live for orange juice and the next anything citrus causes the morning sickness!
I'm still feeling pretty tired and sometimes it can be hard to have enough energy o make it through a 3hr shift at work. I have also had a lot of trouble with lower back/hip pain, I seem to have pinched a nerve or something and sometimes I can't even force myself out of the position that cased the pain in the first place.
Outside of all this and despite having had two ultrasounds so far, it is still difficult for me to feel pregnant. I think I still haven't actually gained any weight, although I'm not complaining about that (the doctor did scold me some on this point, but I'm not purposely maintaining weight, I have a hard time doing that when I'm NOT pregnant.)
Yesterday, for he first time, someone looked at me and asked if I was pregnant. This made me happy although it was slightly perplexing as I wasn't rubbing my belly (something I often catch myself doing without meaning to) and I was wearing my work apron which does a great job of hiding my little bump that I'm so proud of.
Tomorrow I will go to the doctor to get my 18wk ultrasound requisition and hopefully then I will finally HEAR the baby's heart beat!
Crown to rump, your baby is around 3 and a half inches / 9 centimetres long and weighs one and a half ounces / 43 grams. The body is now growing faster than the head. This week, its parchment-thin skin covers itself with lanugo (ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth). Though eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of the head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth.

About now, the fetus can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb. Researchers believe these and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain.

Inside pregnancy video: a 3D animated look at a baby in this week of pregnancy. Take a look!
If you haven't yet made an appointment for maternal serum screening (also known as the triple test), you may want to do so now. The test provides more information about your baby, and screens for Down's syndrome and other birth defects.

Read more:
Crown to rump, your baby is around 3 and a half inches / 9 centimetres long and weighs one and a half ounces / 43 grams. The body is now growing faster than the head. This week, its parchment-thin skin covers itself with lanugo (ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth). Though eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of the head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth.

About now, the fetus can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb. Researchers believe these and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain.

Inside pregnancy video: a 3D animated look at a baby in this week of pregnancy. Take a look!
If you haven't yet made an appointment for maternal serum screening (also known as the triple test), you may want to do so now. The test provides more information about your baby, and screens for Down's syndrome and other birth defects.

Read more:

Sunday 7 October 2012

8 weeks 1 day - Happy Thanksgiving!
Things I'm thankful for :
My Hubby
My Baby
My scooter
Friends (although you're so far away!)
My Parents

Life has been rather up-side down this past week. Our car had o go in for repairs so we could get our Alberta registration and insurance. Instead of the car being in he shop for one day it was in for three, and it cost us three times the original quoted price! Now the car is uninsured because by the time we got the car back all the insurance brokers were closed for he long weekend and our insurance ran out on Saturday.
No turkey this thanksgiving and other than my hubby and brother-in-law I have no family to share it with here.
My closest friend from high school had a beautiful baby boy this week and I wish so bad I could be here to meet him and help her out anyway I could.
My hubby's maternal grandmother passed away this past week as well.She was the matriarch of he family and all family event happened at Grandma's house, family event will forever be changed without her around.
I know this is Thanksgiving weekend and I should be so grateful for all the blessings in my life- I am- but I'm feeling rather isolated and depressed right now too.

I have started taking Nutrilite's Stress B complex which is a vitamin B complex and it seems o be helping me cope with at least some of the nausea so I have finally found a few foods that I can stomach... now if I could move into some actually nutritious foods that wold be good. Right now my dietary staples are: vanilla ice cream, oatmeal, rice krispies, and peanut butter& jam sandwiches. So far my only cravings have been turkey (no go too expensive now) and root beer.

Your embryo is now called a fetus, which means 'offspring'. Your uterus expands to accommodate its new resident, which now measures approximately five-eights of an inch / 1.6 centimetres. Many changes take place this week -- the embryonic tail is gone, and all organs, muscles, and nerves are beginning to function. The hands now bend at the wrist, and the feet begin to lose their webbed appearance. Eyelids are beginning to cover the eyes.

Your pregnancy is changing your figure as well. Your breasts may have grown large enough that you'll need bigger bras with better support than your old ones (not yet although they sure do hurt!). You may notice your waistline expanding as well, forcing you to pack away your favourite jeans until next year (I started wearing maternity pants to work this week as my work pants cut right across he middle of my belly and hey hurt!). If you drink plenty of fluoridated water -- eight glasses or more a day -- you should be getting enough fluoride so calcium and phosphorus will bond well in your baby's developing teeth and bones.